AltME: Rebol School


That sounds like the kind of book that I'm looking for. Thanks!
I know. LOL It was sarcasm.
Meyer is very good.  Reusable Software talks about library design, which is the most general kind of development.
You are welcome. :)
OO was thought to be the breaktrough in programming and to be used for all programming. It wasn't and it isn't.
Code Complete, while dated, was a seminal text on the subject. Anything by McConnell is good.
back in the 80ies.
(80ies was for my comment about OO, not your comment, Gregg.)
Reusable software sounds like a good place to start for what I'm looking for.
201 Principles of Software Development (Davis) is also wonderful IMO. It may seem like a silly little book, but I think it has more tabs in it than any other book I own.
Also, not on coding specifically, but anything by Robert Glass is worth reading. He writes about software failure.
Finally, the Pragmatic Programmer (Thomas and Hunt) is great.
For some very historical roots (yet still completely relevant issues), take a look for David Parnas and Information Hiding -- it's perennial guidelines (from the 1970s!) for healthy ways to structure large systems.

Hi, I am aways confused about blocks, code, reduction, molding,, nested bloks, series.
They are the hardest topic for me.
Are there any good articles I could read to lear the inner work of this part of REBOL ?
I'm in the process of writing an interactive tutorial for Rebol3 (using Rebol3) here:
If there are additional chapters or things that are hard to understand, please let me know.

Bo: nice tutorial!
Lovin' the tutorial.  If I read enough of these that hit REBOL from enough different angles, I start to understand.  I am beginning to reach the point where things that once seemed so hard to understand how seem simple, and I am forgetting why they seemed hard at first.  I wish I could capture what it was in my head that made it hard, and then give it to someone else and say, "Here, this is why you are confused about REBOL.  Your problems are all in your own head.  Absorb this information, and then you will understand."
Me too Steven.
Nice work as always Bo. "Nesting Functions" led me to think the section was about nested function defintions, not calls in a call chain using returned expressions.
Thanks for the feedback! What chapter should I write next? Or does anyone have a topic they've already covered that they'd like me to add?

Values and datatypes.

Last message posted 190 weeks ago.