AltME: Rebol School


That's how I format my code as well but I'm looking for something more along the lines of naming convention dos and don'ts. And how to create useful objects in OO programming.
On naming, Carl has the best suggestions, as I see it:
5.2 Word Names
5.2.1 Use the Shortest Word that Communicates the Meaning
5.2.2 Use Whole Words Where Possible
5.2.3 Hyphenate Multiple Word Names
5.2.4 Begin Function Names with a Verb
5.2.5 Begin Data Words with Nouns
5.2.6 Use Standard Names
That looks like an excellent list right there.
I don't do much OO programming, because it is so hard to find useful objects. :)
If I was to create a game, I would make a character object (the character, you play), objects for objects in your surroundings, etc. That is easy, because it relaty to the real world.
If I should write code, which would sort filenames in a directory, I would write a function, not use OO.
But in reality, each file is a separate object...
I can only recommend reading Bertrand Meyer, if you wanna do OO (and even if you don't do OO). And I don't program in Eiffel, which is used in his book. He just have many real good ideas.
"But in reality, each file is a separate object..."
Yes, it just confuses, when what you need really is a function to just do the job.
That sounds like the kind of book that I'm looking for. Thanks!
I know. LOL It was sarcasm.
Meyer is very good.  Reusable Software talks about library design, which is the most general kind of development.
You are welcome. :)
OO was thought to be the breaktrough in programming and to be used for all programming. It wasn't and it isn't.
Code Complete, while dated, was a seminal text on the subject. Anything by McConnell is good.
back in the 80ies.
(80ies was for my comment about OO, not your comment, Gregg.)
Reusable software sounds like a good place to start for what I'm looking for.
201 Principles of Software Development (Davis) is also wonderful IMO. It may seem like a silly little book, but I think it has more tabs in it than any other book I own.
Also, not on coding specifically, but anything by Robert Glass is worth reading. He writes about software failure.
Finally, the Pragmatic Programmer (Thomas and Hunt) is great.

Last message posted 190 weeks ago.