AltME: Ren - Data Exchange Format


One point about encoding. If the standard states that REN documents must be UTF-8 encoded, that makes life easier for implementors as they don't need to worry about handling the endian issues of UTF-16 and UTF-32.
It is also very good for REBOL3 and Red implementors as both use UTF-8 by default. (Not too good for REBOL 2 though.)
@Chris We have two lexers in Red, one is written in Rebol for the compiler, one is written in Red (and no more in Red/System) for the runtime part (LOAD support).
Pekr, It can never be 100%, as R2, R3, Red, World, etc. all differ somewhat.
Chris, right.
Peter, I want multiline strings as well. Initially I tried posting proposals, building up from base types, to try and gain consensus. Didn't work so well. So consider the current spec to have gaps. I will adjust the text to refer to code points. On convenience, which applies to multiline strings as well, Redbol compatibility is a primary concern, but also keeping the rules as simple and unabmiguous as possible. Unicode isn't my area, so I will defer to you and others on cost/benefit.
To Petr's (Pekr) point about hiding the grammar on a detail page, I did just recently think about doing something like that. Not entirely, but leaving out sub-rules like int, frac, exp, etc. since the main page is just informative. That is, just list the top-level types.
However, the page was intended, as Petr so astutely observed, for the people who might implement parsers and generators for it. The idea being to have a single page that offers a description and reasoning for each datatype, with the informative grammar right there as well.
I think multiline strings offer so much value that we need them. Any strong arguments against?
On encoding, I'm good with requiring UTF8. Any arguments against?
I agree with both multiline strings and UTF8.

one note about multiline (not just strings, in general): a lot of things assume JSON to always be able t o fit in a single line. Eg. use line terminator as delimiter between JSON objects. (Eg. IPC in node.js is line terminated JSON)
Interesting. There is certainly something to be said for mashing things into one line in certain contexts. I have a SINGLE-LINE-MOLD func I use for logging, for example, and having tools that could operate in a mix of line-oriented nix fashion with each line being structured, is a possibility too.
Gregg, did you miss MOLD/FLAT? :-)
It doesn't remove line breaks.
Ah, Red does. So my func is obsolete. :-)
Though mine, IIRC, replaces line breaks with their escaped counterparts.
Ah, Red does that too, on ML strings. You win. :-)
And thank you. :-)

Back to time!
# Use cases
- standalone time (point in time)
- standalone time (duration)
- part of date-time (time of day)
- timezone (offset from UTC)
#Proposed rules
        hours-minutes opt seconds
        opt sign  uint : uint
        : uint  opt frac
My argument for this is that it keeps the rules simple, and is flexible but still constrained.
Votes? And if you vote No/-1, a short reason please.
-1 because I think that date! and time! values should be normalized in a data exchange format. Though, specifying such rules would make the spec significantly more complex, but not doing it would just shift the burden onto the implementers, which might result in different interpretations. For the duration use-case, I am for using a different format than time!, maybe resulting in a new datatype.
(I am taking the perspective of people implementing REN in non-Rebol languages)
How does the above proposal make it harder for non-Redbol languages?

Last message posted 415 weeks ago.