AltME: Ren - Data Exchange Format


World goes a bit further. Examples:
w> 12:00 + 1    ; Here 12:00 is HH:MM
== 12:00:01
w> 12:00.1      ; Here it's MM:SS.1
== 0:12:00.100000
So if you just have two numbers separated by a colon, it is minutes and seconds, if you have fraction also.
REBOL does that as well, which I think Ren should NOT do.
Ah yes, Rebol does it too.
Maybe you need Loose Ren and Strict Ren?
Nope. Need to keep it simple.
That doesn't mean people can't write tolerant loaders though.
So if we start with hh:mm:ss all being required, and everyone writes loaders that allow just hh:mm, changing the spec to allow that won't invalidate any existing Ren data.
It's almost mission impossible. Easiest then is to skip date and time, so users need to use strings. But this is probably not, what we see as a useful format coming from Rebol.
Good point, Gregg.
If we leave out date-time, we're not much better than JSON.
It's just "mission compromise".
But if REBOL, Red, and World all allow just hh:mm, we're incompatible
No perfect answers.
There won't be 100% compatibility anyway. No construction syntax, etc.
Gregg, "rather than just hoping it will be better"--don't misunderstand me, Trello is better than AltMe. Hands down. Works on mobile, syncs across multiple systems. Despite this not being single-threaded chat, it is still chat with most of the negatives you associate with SO Chat.
However, y'all seem unconcerned with opening the process beyond a private AltMe channel. Can't say I'm not disappointed and would request again that you reconsider.
What's the benefit Chris? As in "What's in it for me?", since altme is a very effective tool for me.
Assuming Trello as a for instance, you get an organised collaborative space that works across platforms, allows controlled access yet public viewing, has an api (Brett has an API script, I have some non-api scripts) where, for example, you could actually arrange and pull the specification itself. It allows for chat (via comments) but is geared more to the long view--ideas are not lost because they were missed in the chronology and collected information/reference can be placed in context. It also is accessible for those for whom AltMe is not a very effective tool.
+1 for Trello.

Last message posted 415 weeks ago.