
This is normal REBOL's nothing special that was invented by R3GUI :-) So either we switch the actors to be normal FUNCs or get used to have FUNCTs
I don't think is is a good decission to intorduce some non-rebol-compatible syntax here (fcourse unless there is wide agreement on that at the REBOL language level).
Also IMO it's much safer to get error when you access 'global' valirable that is not exposed than get no error when your local variable is already leaked.
I got this, my comment was (not very clear) to use the :: notation on the language level.
Aha, so then let's discuss that in R3 group or add new feature request on R3 Github repo.
But I personally think it doesn't matter if you write: a:: 10 or set 'a 10 or anything else to let R3 that the variable is 'global'. That doesn't change the fact you need to know first the actor blocks use set-word!s as local by default.
Double colon syntax is taken, I guess:
>> type? first [a::]
== url!
I'm not sure, but maybe the view dialect should just set vars globally, if they're not found locally?
Even if having a ton of global variables isn't viewed as something desirable by many (myself included). I guess, that's why it was changed from R2 to R3?
An alternative could be, that vars set in the dialect could end up in a special context for that purpose, and that this context is searched too, when vars are used in the dialectc.
please don't rebind the blocks manually.  if the action uses 'SET its for a purpose.  furthermore, using 'SET doesn't mean that the value is set within a "global" space.  it means so set that word as it is bound already (which may have been bound manually by the user).  
if he uses a set-word, then that could be localized, as per current funct and object creation rules.
I don't like the double colon syntax at first glance.

Has there been any progress on determining this TCP/IP bug #9910 ?
I don't think so or at least I don't know about anyone who picket that up so far. But its a critical one so I believe it will be fixed very soon.

I have a couple questions about how to deal with actors and I think an example will illustrate it best.
Trying to modify use click actions on a text-table to affect filtering on another text-table:
ind: [
    [1 "Jones" "Tom"]
    [2 "Smith"  "William"]
    [3 "Jones" "Stephen"]
eve: [
    [1 "Arrival"  "Wearing a red hat"]
    [1 "Departure" "No hat"]
    [2 "Lunch" "Salmon Sandwich"]
    [1 "Dinner" "Pasta"]
    [2 "Departure" "Red shirt"]
view [
    tt1: text-table 600x400 ["ID" #1 70 "Last Name" #2 200 "Given Name" #3 200 ] ind on-focus [
        print face/name
    tt2: text-table 600x400 ["ID" #1 70 "Event" #2 150 "Description" #3 300] eve
My goal is when i click on tt1 that the ID number on that row will set the filtering on tt2 to show only events with that ID #
Question 1:   on-focus only deals with the first click on that whole face, so it's the wrong actor.  Do i need to modify the actor of an individual row? or am I just using the wrong actor?  If I change on-focus to on-click it results in no print statements.
Question 2:  I'm unsure how to set the filter for tt2.  If I try (stole this code from probing the facet):
        tt2/facet/filter: make map! [
            1 [value = 1]
it says I cannot access the facet
Question 2 Revised:   what is the proper form for
set-face/field tt2 "1" filters
Perhaps it's something like
do-actor tt2 'on-filter-data  [undocumented filter dialect ]
tt1: text-table 600x400 ["ID" #1 70 "Last Name" #2 200 "Given Name" #3 200 ] ind on-action [
        filter: first pick get-facet face 'table-data arg/y
; set the filter on the table here
draw-face tt2
In the Saphirion docs, there is this docs\specs\styles\text-table but it's not very helpful
On the r3-gui changelog I found Under 10-Mar-2012:  
TEXT-TABLE: Can set filters using [set-face/field table filters]
Yeah, i've been reading and re-reading that
Well, have to ask Rebolek .. he wrote the text-table

Last message posted 269 weeks ago.