
So, the Ren-c projected has now moved to a Rebol in the browser effort
So, those people who wanted to be manipulate the DOM using Rebol can now do this.
And, if you want to use R2 to do this, then you can use the R2 compatibiility mode for Ren-c

Is Ren-C currently able to run in the browser and manipulate the DOM? Or is that a future target?
Yes, it can manipulate the DOM now.  See my single page app above.
r2 backwards compatibility is a WIP again

Here's a rebol dialect driven GUI in the browser.  Rebol creates JS on the fly.

Renc now has a redbol dialect.  There's a version in the web browser - see
And it was used to create a pdf using pdf-maker.r
Yes, the name means it will try and run red scripts as well

Graham, any other examples of apps built with this rebol dialect? rtying to get my head around what is possible.

amcleod, I've started a FAQ on how to use the Rebol JS API
Basically you have JS available to you from rebol and its limitations.  So, CORS stops you loading JS from sites that don't have CORS enabled, and you can write to local files.  Storage has to be web based database, or you could use cookies for session management.
This is for one page apps without using CGI.  If you choose to use CGI then you have more options.   Currently it doesn't very well on node.js so we're targetting the browser JS engine first.
sorry, you can not write to local files
So, basically you are writing normal rebol/renc code but your GUI is JS, and I/O has all JS limitations
If we could run on node.js then those latter issues are addressed since it's no longer blocked by browser security considerations
Note that this stuff runs on your phone so you can start to write phone apps

Not working... probably because I have not set the required flags, which I'm not going to do... even now Chrome is a devil's beast and I don't want to extend it. I prefer my tooling to be living close to me and don't need to download them from a server all the time.. but good luck with your efford.
That's ignorant oldes. You know you can just save everything locally.

Last message posted 166 weeks ago.