
As you know, one of the reasons to return an integer was for use with loops.
Thanks Endo.
@Gregg I don't understand the rationale of Rebol3 returning a decimal! instead of integer!. Qingtian implemented it in Red copying R3 semantics, but I am about to change it to have R2's semantics, but I want first, to understand the reason for R3's behavior.
Ah, I see. I don't know why the change was made either, except that they made it a native from a mezz. Maybe it was just an implementation detail?
It looks too obvious to be a bug, so I guess it was planned. I still don't get why as it makes it impractical for the common use-case.
R3 changed to support non-integer values for loops, so the result is usable, but I don't remember why that change was made.
IIRC, Ladislav implemented it for Carl, so if he is around, most probably he's the one who knows the answer?
I think you're right Petr. He and I did the mezz version, so that makes sense.

How does one write data into a port in Rebol3? 'insert, 'append, etc. do not work.
I found this example, but it makes r3-view from Atronix crash:
client: open tcp://localhost:8080
client/awake: func [event /local port] [
    port: event/port
    switch event/type [
        lookup  [open port]
        connect [write port to-binary request]
        read [
           result: to-string port/data
           close port
           return true
        wrote [read event/port]
wait [client 30] ;the number is a timeout in seconds
close client
(at least when using "client: open clipboard://" instead of a TCP port.

This works for me:
write clipboard:// "test"
Bo, take a look at . I don't know what version of R3 I am using, because there's no official version, I have something different installed on different machines, but I use it everyday and it works. With limitations, thanks to many R3 bugs.
Rest of the text, obfuscated by long time AltME bug: "I don't know what version of R3 I am using, because there's no official version, I have something different installed on different machines, but I use it everyday and it works. With limitations, thanks to many R3 bugs."
To get around that bug, I just copy the entire message and paste it in the message field of AltME. ;-)
Thanks, I just haven't posted a link on AltME for some time, so I forgot about it's limitations ;)
Anyway, there's write and read support and it also properly handles writes longer than 32000 bytes.
You can patch R2 to handle longer writes as well, thanks to Max. I doubt this affects too much at this point though.
yes the simple R2 fix allows to POST any size.

Last message posted 166 weeks ago.