AltME: Red Docs


Alan, glad to hear that. I would love Red to be used for education. We would probably need to build some additional layers in provide simpler interfaces for young beginners. I think you should talk with PeterWood more. ;-)
For all of us who want to use Red to teach, we should look at old Logo resources. There are a lot of beginner and turtle graphics examples out there, but there's also NetLogo and Brian Harvey's amazing series "Computer Science Logo Style", though that's more advanced. I even did a tiny turtle graphics interpreter in REBOL a long time ago.
Some tools and dialects are all we need. ;-)

What has been the best resources out there for REBOL in terms of education?
Learning what to do, and not do probably has value, but copying work that has already been done could save a lot of time and energy.
> What has been the best resources out there for REBOL in terms of education?
The old mailing list ...
Andreas +1. On docs, Carl said he didn't want the REBOL user guide copied. Nick's work, and some others', are also great resources. I hope we can leverage those in the future. The main thing there will be differences in Red that have to be accounted for. A LOT of REBOL docs will apply to Red directly as well, which is great.
And, yes, if you're thinking it would be good to document the differences as well as compatibilities between REBOL-like languages, I started some things on that a long time ago. A lot of our work now can be looking in dark corners and dusting things off. Bulk prose (the content) is the big stuff now.
Well, "copied" is a strong word :)
I have always like the word "Homage"
:-) I'm all for attribution on anything we can pay homage to.
I find myself using these docs mostly:
REBOL/Core Users Guide
REBOL Function Dictionary
REBOL/View VID Developer's Guide
DRAW Dialect Reference
The old version of draw-ref.html , which I can't find online, but I have it locally.
But all these are mostly docs or references, maybe not educational for beginners to the language. I can't think of a good beginner guide for these kinds of languages, but I haven't read all, so maybe it exists.

I'm a fan of putting a crap load of stuff on a single page, esp. "Most common used words" with lots of examples.
In general though, I go to Google, type things like "rebol parse example" and get good enough.

I want to make a Red/System doc for assisting programming Red. The idea is to quickly look up the definitions of all the used types. Such a document will be useful for Red/System 1.0 but will be easily extended for Red/System 2.0 later.
Not sure what you mean by "used types", but any docs are helpful.

cell!, red-value!, red-block! red-string! etc. On the one side I would like a paper version, so an index and all. On the other side a little referential program to help you look up items fast and not searching through the sources yourself, but maybe it should use the sources.
Ah, Red/System datatypes, got it. Using the source is often a lot of work. All clues help people contribute.

That would be helpful Arnold.
Looking for the right datastructure to get the information in, get it presented and perhaps also have it autofilled from the sources?
;name       declaration-type        source-location             [definition]
series!     #define             runtime/allocator.reds      [series-buffer!]
int-array!  alias               runtime/allocator.reds      [struct! [ptr [int-ptr!]]]
cell!       alias               runtime/allocator.reds      [...]
Can't help you there Arnold. Maybe if I can get some other things cleared from my list.

No problem I code something to get a start.

Last message posted 409 weeks ago.