AltME: Rebol School


If did not provide the local words then yes, they will be available outside of the current function scope.
And easy to test. :-)

(The heart of the matter is DO-STEP which in Topaz is an action and defined in )
In R2 that would be DO/NEXT

Good points about evaluation.  Knowing what happens could have a direct effect on programming.  For example, when I pull things out of a database with SQL, and I want to set a word to refer to, say, the first item in the block of columns that is the result of the SQL, I find myself doing something like "DISPLAY-ITEM: to-string to-integer copy SQL-RESULT/1" or something like that, details not important.  The important point is that I am doing copying and converting only beause I want to be absolutely sure I get the result I want, and some of that probably is not necessary because it already is done as part of the word evaluation.  I just don't know.  I suppose that is an implicit admission that I am too lazy to do a little experimenting to find out.  I do like my ruts.

Any clever ideas on how to push past a error in DO/NEXT?
   do/next [1 / 0 2 + 2] 'var
I'd be very happy if I could get [2 + 2} into 'var
I was going to suggest something like:
b: [1 / 0  2 + 2]
while [not tail? b] [
    if error? try [set [res b] do/next b] [b: next b]
But that's too simplisitic. In your example, it will skip the first 1, then / will act as a prefix func and consume the rest of the block.
Which brings up a good question, related to the other "How is DO special" chat. Can you safely push past an error? Probably not.

Thanks Gregg -- I tried various things, but none of them work very reliably in all conditions - like pushing correctly past, say [divide 9 + 4 / 0 2 + 2]
It seems likely that DO knows exactly which args were consumed, and so could return the block with those skipped past. If only we could make it talk :)
DO could, but, not in all cases, or rather, not correctly in all cases. But, yeah, you'd need a new refinement that returns the error instead of causing it.

Thanks Gabiele - glad to know it is at least technically possible (within limits)

This there anyy clever, quick, way to turn these two blocks into a single object?
   names: [field1 field2 field3]
   values: ["a" "b" "C"]
I've already done it the long way around:
   blk: copy [] for nn 1 length? names 1 [append blk reduce [to-set-word names/:nn values/:nn]] probe make object! blk
I wrote a build-object function does that, not more quicker/clever though
names: [field1 field2 field3]
values: ["a" "b" "C"]
build-object: funct [names values] [
    o: copy []
    parse compose names [some [set name [word! | set-word!] (append o to-set-word name) | skip]]
    set/pad words-of o: context append o none compose values
probe build-object names values
== make object! [
    field1: "a"
    field2: "b"
    field3: "C"
My more general version is a bit longer, but works without values, word! or set-word!s:
build-object: func [
    "Builds an object from a block"
    names [block!] "Words or word/value pairs"
    /values val [block!] "Initial values"
    /local o name value
    o: copy []
    o: either values [
        parse compose names [some [set name [word! | set-word!] (append o to-set-word name) | skip]]
        set/pad reflect o: context append o none 'words compose val
    ] [
        if any [
            parse compose names [some [set name [word! | set-word!] (append o reduce [to-set-word name none])]]
            parse compose names [some [set name [word! | set-word!] set value any-type! (append o reduce [to-set-word name :value])]]
        ] [context o]
build-object [a b c]
build-object [a 1 b "2"]
build-object [a: 1 b 2]
build-object [a: 1 b 'c]
build-object/values [a: b] [c 1]
x: 1 build-object/values [a: b] [c (x)]
A slightly different approach:
context collect [until [keep compose [(to set-word! take names) (take values)] tail? names]]
if you can add an extra word to your names, there is another way to do it:
>> names: [self field1 field2 field3]
== [self field1 field2 field3]
>> values: [#[none] "a" "b" "C"]    
== [none "a" "b" "C"]
>> names: use names reduce [names]  
== [self field1 field2 field3]
>> set names values                  
== [none "a" "b" "C"]
>> object: bound? first names      
>> object/self: object
>> probe object
make object! [
    field1: "a"
    field2: "b"
    field3: "C"
Up to you to decide if it's better or worse. :)

More clever award goes to ChirtianE, more interesting award goes to Gabriele :)
Thanks guys: lots of good ideas - as usual!
change-each: func [
    "Change each value in the series by applying a function to it"
    'word   [word!] "Word or block of words to set each time (will be local)"
    series  [series!] "The series to traverse"
    body    [block!] "Block to evaluate. Return value to change current item to."
    /local do-body
    do-body: func reduce [[throw] word] body
    forall series [change/only series do-body series/1]
    ; The newer FORALL doesn't return the series at the tail like the old one
    ; did, but it will return the result of the block, which is CHANGE's result,
    ; so we need to explicitly return the series here.
names: [field1 field2 field3]
values: ["a" "b" "C"]
o: context append change-each name names [to set-word! name] none
set o values
print mold o

Last message posted 190 weeks ago.