AltME: Rebol School


For some very historical roots (yet still completely relevant issues), take a look for David Parnas and Information Hiding -- it's perennial guidelines (from the 1970s!) for healthy ways to structure large systems.

Hi, I am aways confused about blocks, code, reduction, molding,, nested bloks, series.
They are the hardest topic for me.
Are there any good articles I could read to lear the inner work of this part of REBOL ?
I'm in the process of writing an interactive tutorial for Rebol3 (using Rebol3) here:
If there are additional chapters or things that are hard to understand, please let me know.

Bo: nice tutorial!
Lovin' the tutorial.  If I read enough of these that hit REBOL from enough different angles, I start to understand.  I am beginning to reach the point where things that once seemed so hard to understand how seem simple, and I am forgetting why they seemed hard at first.  I wish I could capture what it was in my head that made it hard, and then give it to someone else and say, "Here, this is why you are confused about REBOL.  Your problems are all in your own head.  Absorb this information, and then you will understand."
Me too Steven.
Nice work as always Bo. "Nesting Functions" led me to think the section was about nested function defintions, not calls in a call chain using returned expressions.
Thanks for the feedback! What chapter should I write next? Or does anyone have a topic they've already covered that they'd like me to add?

Values and datatypes.
I would like to know step by step what happen during words and block evaluation and how rebol inner strucuture works.
Good timing! I just posted thoughts about that in the #Red group. Wait for feedback before assuming what I wrote is correct though. And it is only a first step. The details of evaluation can be tricky (think of things like inline set-words, and how much evaluation is applied to different types). Even "how much" is not a clear description, but rather how each type is evaluated, and the control you have over it.
Another question: If I define some words inside to body of a FUNC or a FUNCTION, are they available outside the fuction itself ?
If did not provide the local words then yes, they will be available outside of the current function scope.
And easy to test. :-)

(The heart of the matter is DO-STEP which in Topaz is an action and defined in )
In R2 that would be DO/NEXT

Good points about evaluation.  Knowing what happens could have a direct effect on programming.  For example, when I pull things out of a database with SQL, and I want to set a word to refer to, say, the first item in the block of columns that is the result of the SQL, I find myself doing something like "DISPLAY-ITEM: to-string to-integer copy SQL-RESULT/1" or something like that, details not important.  The important point is that I am doing copying and converting only beause I want to be absolutely sure I get the result I want, and some of that probably is not necessary because it already is done as part of the word evaluation.  I just don't know.  I suppose that is an implicit admission that I am too lazy to do a little experimenting to find out.  I do like my ruts.

Any clever ideas on how to push past a error in DO/NEXT?
   do/next [1 / 0 2 + 2] 'var
I'd be very happy if I could get [2 + 2} into 'var
I was going to suggest something like:
b: [1 / 0  2 + 2]
while [not tail? b] [
    if error? try [set [res b] do/next b] [b: next b]
But that's too simplisitic. In your example, it will skip the first 1, then / will act as a prefix func and consume the rest of the block.
Which brings up a good question, related to the other "How is DO special" chat. Can you safely push past an error? Probably not.

Last message posted 190 weeks ago.