AltME: Rebol School


The situation that happens to me is simply that after a while that I am writing something in the console or in my mini-edit-do.r I start to forget that I have (already) assigned values to a variable and things start to appear strange and so it takes a little to relize that those variables simply already have a value.

In that situation, I quit and relaunch REBOL. I use a shell script to launch REBOL into the console. The script is:
cd /Users/john/rebol/view/
./rebol --noviewtop
Maybe it is possible to do something clever with the REBOL LAUNCH function!?
LAUNCH (and RUN) were problematic in the past, but you can do the same thing with system/options/boot and CALL. One catch is if you may run encapped or not. A lesson for Redbol is making header info universally available for consistent access.

I am trying to write a function to replace find/any with parse and I have done this:
    find-any: func ["Finds a value in a series using wildcards and returns the series at the start of it."
        series [series!] value /local elem pos
        value: copy value
        while [find value "**"] [replace/all value "**" "*"]
        replace/all value "*" ":*:"
        replace/all value "?" ":?:"
        value: parse value ":"
        remove-each elem value ["" = elem]
        replace/all value "*" 'thru
        replace/all value "?" 'skip
        value: compose/deep [any [to (first value) pos: (value) to end | thru (first value)] ]
        either parse/all series value [pos][none]
Could you please give it a try and tell me if it works and how to improve it?
Is your goal to emulate find/any's behavior, or more to learn parse? I have a LIKE? func that does similar pattern matching, generating parse rules from a simple pattern grammar. Replace is a concise, if not the most efficient, way to break things up, and you handle compressed * runs as well, whcih is nice.
It doesn't work if * is the first or last thing in your pattern.

I think it will also fail if your pattern has colons in it.
Good point Gab.

I found like.r and I will investigate it, thank you.

After investigatin like.r this is my second try:
    find-any: func [
        "Finds a value in a string using wildcards and returns the string at the start of it."
        series [series!] value [string!] /match /last
        /local str give_head emit pos pos2 non-wild-chars plain-chars tmp rule
        last*: get 'last
        give_head: none
        str: copy to string! series
        value: copy value
        if empty? value [return none]
        ; normalize pattern
        while [find value "**"] [replace/all value "**" "*"]
        while [find value "*?"] [replace/all value "*?" "*"]
        if value = "*" [return series]
        if last [
            value: reverse value
            str: reverse str
        if #"*" = first value [
            remove value
            if not any [last match] [give_head: series]
            match: none
        emit: func [arg][append rule arg]
        non-wild-chars: complement charset "*?"
        plain-chars: [copy tmp some non-wild-chars (emit copy tmp)]
        rule: copy []
        parse/all value [
            some [plain-chars | "*" (emit 'thru) | "?" (emit 'skip)]
        ; If the last thing in our pattern is thru, it won't work so we
        ; remove the trailing thru.
        if 'thru = last* rule [remove back tail rule]
        value: compose/deep [any [(all [none? match 'to]) (first rule) pos: (rule) pos2: to end | thru (first rule)] ]
        if none? parse/all str value [return none]
        if last [pos: skip series (length? series) - (index? pos2) + 1]
        any [give_head pos]
Perhaps still not perfect but should work in most cases.
Sometimes I'll include a sampling of test cases, so people can see what's covered, and quickly try functions out.

I don't think that:
    last*: get 'last
does what you expect it to do. You probably want:
   last*: get in system/words 'last
Though, since I think you only use last* once, it may be easier to just replace last* with system/words/last, like:
    if 'thru = system/words/last rule [...]
Hi, it's been a while since I talked here (2 years ?)
Do you know  if there is a better way to code this function  ?
extend-mask: func[i][
    ; set bits at the right of the MSB
    ; used to control if joining ADD operations together
    ;   is allowed by their prefixed casting operation (and MASK).  
    ; e.g. 00100100 => 00111111
    ; Sorry if it's ugly since REBOL does not have a native for that.
    ; Well, the utility is rare, except when you write a code optimizer.
    int(2 ** (int (log-2 i) + 1) - 1)
(int) is a shortcut fot to-integer
I don't want to use a  precompiled array as a solution, the speed is not a problem... (currently)
No quick suggestions here, but it's nice to see you again.
Some ideas, but yours seem to be faster:
extend-mask: func [
    i or either i > 0 [extend shift i 1] [0]
extend-mask: func [
    /local r
    r: i
    while [0 < i: shift i 1] [r: r or i]
hm, *extend* should be extend-mask in first one.
so a recursive

If speed is not a problem, then your version is probably the best choice.
If speed becomes a problem and you want to avoid floating point, there is a faster version of what Geomol proposed:
func [i] [
    i: i or shift i 1
    i: i or shift i 2
    i: i or shift i 4
    i: i or shift i 8
    i or shift i 16
You need an extra line if you are using R3 and 64 bits integers.
That's neat, Gabriele!
It seems, Steeve only need the function to work on 8 bits at a time, so this is faster!
extend-mask: func [i] [i: i or shift i 1 i: i or shift i 2 i: i or shift i 4]

Last message posted 190 weeks ago.