AltME: Rebol School


I know where I have a copy of it, but I have to dig into a safe and then pull some old drives out.

Just for the record: I've added Turkish chars support in pdf-maker.r (Gabriele's script),
I downloaded file and added Turkish chars from there to
/Differences [...]
If anyone need more info you can write me PM.

Can a header be combined for a Red and a REBOL script:
Red [
REBOL[] ;] ; would this work??
I don't think so, but this could:
REBOL [] Red [] print "hello"
(not tested)
rebol ignores everything preceding the REBOL [  ]   for sure... in theory, Red should be doing the same thing.

just for the record though, only one language at a time can load that script.   (you need to comment out the language you want to use )
Actually not.  This works in Rebol or Red:
RED []
rebol: none
print "This is a test"

Thank you Bo! Very clever. Just to be sure use Red [] and not RED []

What is the smallest simplest example script for "port" .  
Hopefully something that shows off how easy it is to connect two computers and send information back and forth.  Perhaps a file.  Although a message system is ok too of course.
Something like this? Run once as server, then again as client.
role: ask "Run as [C]lient or [S]erver? "
; Server
if role = "s" [
    port: tcp://:9090
    server: open/direct/no-wait port
    wait server
    client: first server
    print "Client connected."
    forever [
        wait any [client .01]
        if msg: copy client [
            print [now/precise msg]
            insert client "pong"
; Client
if role = "c" [
    port: tcp://
    server: open/direct/no-wait port
    forever [
        insert server "ping"
        if msg: copy server [
            print [now/precise msg]
        wait .1
Or there are slightly more involved examples out there. Like
The WAITs in mine aren't needed, just there to slow things down a bit for human consumption.
In these examples, it is assuming a server and a client, as opposed to two clients, and then a way to get them to find each other?
either attempt[port: open tcp://:33101] [
    print "Running as server^/----^/"
    forever [ probe copy client: first wait port   close client]
    print "running as client^/----^/"
    forever [ insert (server: open tcp://localhost:33101) ask "message to send: "  close server]
a much simpler server/client example...
am building a google wave equivalent peer to peer example using console port... should be ready in a few minutes

almost done, but I've got an errand to do, will be back with the solution in about 1h30
I had a LOT of fun building this... its not perfect (backspace and delete cannot function in this mode cause I am not storing the console's screen buffer, but it goes a long way with just 40 lines... the vast majority of the code is actually managing the console's low level port interface.
rebol []
either attempt [lcl-port: open/lines tcp://:33101] [
    rmt-port: 33102
    lcl-port: open/lines tcp://:33102
    rmt-port: 33101
con: open/binary [scheme: 'console]
remote-port: none
digit: charset "0123456789"
forever [
    p: wait [lcl-port con]
    either p == con [
        key: first con
        either key = 27 [
            read-io con io: head clear "" 3
            cmd: copy "K [27 "
            foreach c io [ append cmd to-integer c append cmd " "]
            append cmd "]^/"
            chars: join "^[" io
            cmd: rejoin [ "K " key "^/" ]
            chars: to-char key
        insert ( rp: open rejoin [tcp://localhost: rmt-port] ) cmd
        close rp
        cmd: first first lcl-port
        parse cmd [
            "K " here:
            "[" (chars: to-string to-binary load here)
            | ( chars: to-char load here )
    prin chars
basically, store the script and run it twice,  both consoles are linked as if you where typing in anyone of them.  type in any of the two, and the other types the same thing!
we could modify the script a little to make it work across two different machines.  in that case, instead of changing the port number, we'd change the remote ip address instead.

Last message posted 190 weeks ago.