AltME: Ann-Reply


Pekr, yes, that was a bit shocking news back in the November.for me (somehow forgot to post it here on Altme). Maxim hasn't been doing any advancements to the AGG library for years but there is small group of very good programmers maintaining the 'official' sources. The interesting thing about the AGG project is that the core code is so well written so it really doesn't need much to enhance. Even after so many years it is still part of the top open source CPU driven rendering vector 2d engines.
Yes, I can easily believe that. Do they advance old version, or the GPL one?
I need to check the state  of Fog library, or what was that Czech project, inspirad by AGG. But in overal I think, that we will be left with Cairo ...
AFAIK They advance the non-GPL version.
Fog is sort of in stagnation, unfortunately.
Regarding fog (8 days old message):
Fog on google-code will not be updated anymore, because I started moving all my things to github. The first project that has been released was asmjit and after that I mostly focused on 'blend' - the new name of fog library!
The project is now empty and I will announce the initial commit on fog-dev. The key points are that:
  - it will be very clean library, I removed everything not needed by 2d vector drawing
  - the whole pipeline is generated by the JIT compiler (asmjit)
I expect the initial version to be released in two months.
I personally think the Skia lib has big potential...the only problem is they don't support Windows building much so it is quite cumbersome to use it (IIRC).
Oldes, good news about Fog but still, there is a lot of work left to be usable IMO. Also the JIT dependecy can be a problem because he has only x86 cpu covered(at least last time I looked at it). But Let's see how the new 'initial' version will look.
Maxim, we will miss you. RIP
Not  our Maxim! Maxim Olivier-Adloch is alive and well and hopefully woorking on his new DB system! ...just don't want to confuse anyone. :-)
Sad news
Maxim Shemanarev is also "our Maxim" in a way, being the author of AGG.
He was very young

thought it was our Maxim too, still very sad news

Kaj: can you explain how run the Android binaries ?
Look for Doc's blog on the Red site where he explains how to run a Hello World program
That said, my downloads are tests, and not all of them will run on Android, probably due to missing dependencies
I am interested to hear which ones will run and which won't

Rebolek, looks promising! I'll be looking forward to the next addition, a couple of examples and easy starter ways of using it.
Thanks, Arnold. Additions and examples will definitely come and for easy starter ways - I've just added file! and url! support so now it probably can't get easier than >> write %index.html lest %index.lest ;)

Last message posted 115 weeks ago.