AltME: Announce


Most people have already seen this, but since nobody else posted it here, I will:
The Red team released a first alpha of their RED Wallet, a tiny, simple, fast and secure cryptocurrency wallet for ETH and BTC.

- Removed:
    renc support
    /lines from read-string (use deline/lines instead)
    /compact from load-dsv
    /preserve from load-dsv
- Added:
- Fixed:
    split-line bug
    write-dsv bug
    load-dsv bug
    to-string-time now returns "HH:MM:SS"
    put returns value
    latin1-to-utf8 handles split strings correctly
    load-dsv/part/flat formats data correctly
- Enhanced
    Added /map to sqlcmd
    Added /flat to load-dsv, load-excel and load-fixed
    load-fixed now auto detects widths
    read-string with large files about 10-15x faster
    load-dsv about 3x faster
    rows? faster
    Added /flat to list
    write-excel now uses archive instead of 7z

- Removed:
    build, platform and target moved from global context to settings
    load-excel (replaced with oledb)
- Added:
    load-xml (uses unarchive)
    oledb (refactored from load-excel)
    literal column support to load-dsv, load-xml and munge (e.g. load-dsv/part file [1 "No"])
    named column support to load-dsv, load-xml and munge (e.g. munge/where next [["Name" "Age"]["Sam" 50]] [&Age > 30])
- Updated:
    munge/update refinement removed (use munge/where blk [row/1: 0])
    munge/delete is now the same as munge/delete/where
    R2 support in archive and unarchive (requires /View)
    Excel support (using unarchive) added to cols?, fields?, rows? and sheets?
    replace-deep replaces multiple values in a single pass
    to-string-date and to-string-time now support Excel XML date (e.g. "41000") and time (e.g. ("0.33") formats
    list uses settings/console (default TRUE) to control new-line behaviour
    load-dsv (plus oledb, sqlcmd and sqlite) and load-xml use settings/as-is (default TRUE) to control trim/lines behaviour
    read-string optimized
    read-binary lost its /seek refinement
    added load-dsv/csv
- Fixed:
    Several parse copy words that escaped to the global context
    Unarchive bug

I will be hosting a Rebol Developers Conference in Philadelphia this summer (July 6th-7th). I've a great location lined up just around the corner from the Independence Mall (across the street from Ben Franklin's Post Office) and have some great talks lined up (more on this to follow--some epic projects: some you'll know about, one or two you won't).
I'll have registration up shortly, for now I've a wee questionnaire to get an idea of what kind of interest there is. Aside from the featured talks, I'd like to now issue a call for participation for anyone that would like to talk about their Rebol, Red or Ren-C projects. We'll have streaming and will record the talks for posterity.
If you're in the northeastern US, Philly is very accessible (great rail/bus access) about 90mins from NYC and DC. If not, it's a culturally rich city that is very much worth a visit even without a Rebol conference as an excuse, and we'll be here for July 4th at the very location where July 4th became a thing. Our hosts will provide co-working space on July 5th for any conference participant arriving from out of town.
Sounds Great. I plan to come.

New Raspberry Pi 4 is out, bringing 3x more performance and some nice updates -

Updated web site for the Rebol [2019] developer conference. Includes some info on the talks, speakers and location and a link to the event registration. Be sure to register as soon as you can so I can get a close-to-accurate head count ahead of time.
Also on the registration site, I'm accepting donations to help offset some of the costs (it's unlikely registrations alone will cover everything--I've deliberately kept the registration fee down to encourage wider participation).
At this time, there is help available if accommodation is still needed. Just drop me a line.
Only a week away now, hope to see you there!

A huge thank you to everyone that attended/contributed to Rebol [2019] here in sunny Philadelphia*. It was a blast and there were some monumental presentations. I will update the conference site shortly with links and videos as they become available.
If you did contribute and would attach some links to your talks, please email them to me.
*it is always except for that moment a tornado warning interrupted Ed's talk

I just saw a Rebol conference took place this summer, it's great! Are the videos of the conference available online? I was not able to find them.

I think this is quite an impressive achievement (for Rebol 2 ;) )
It doesn't work for me:
>> lib
== %libGLESv2.dll
>> lib-path
== %/C/Programs/rebol
>> exists? lib-path/:lib
== true
>> gles32-lib: load/library lib-path/:lib
** Access Error: Cannot open /C/Programs/rebol/libGLESv2.dll as library
** Near: gles32-lib: load/library lib-path/:lib

Rebol [2019] Talks are now online:
Thanks to Brian for organising and editing the recordings!

I suppose I am showing my age by not being able to figure out how to use github, but because of my age I don't care.  For the past few years I have been saving any bits of code I have written that might be of use to others, and storing them in the "free stuff" area of where others can download them if they find them helpful.  In a few months I will be entering the Age Of Fixed Income and will have less access to reasons to write REBOL code.  Since my collection will become more static (as will I), I have copied the useful stuff to a github account called "cobolrebol" where they will remain in perpetuity, to be stumbled upon by some future programmer who will wonder, "What is all this stuff?"  REBOL is dead.  Long live REBOL.

SWhite - I am 1.5 decades away (at the earliest) from retirement. I've been pondering what to do when I do retire. I think I'll put more time into my innumerable hobbies, one of which is programming. Even though I program mostly for work, there are some home-based projects I'd like to do as well.
I also haven't put in the effort to figure out github. I'd rather build my own system that is as simple as possible and meets my needs.

One of the presenters at the aforementioned Rebol [2019] Talks was a Brian Otto who showed his UI Builder. It's quite cool. (direct link). If you're into WASM, check it out. Brian Dickens did a great editing job on these videos, by the way. Very watchable.

Not sure how many here know about NLPP, which is a Non-Linear Performance Pricing tool written in REBOL. We just got a new partner. You may have heard of them:
I have talked with Robert at Amiga 30 in Amsterdam and I have also met him in Germany. I know his product without having seen. It is nice you are reaching the top level industries.
Ooops... I am not on ann-reply ! Going there!

Added a new function maker for Rebol2 to The link is
For those using the ALSO function: this is a significantly different and much more automatic and complete method how to achieve a similar effect, in my opinion.

I released a new version of my Rebol branch today -->

Last message posted 115 weeks ago.