AltME: Announce


(and try to forget that I can't spell)


Under the 17LOC Spreadsheet section, there is this:
You can copy/paste the above code into the Red console for Windows, using the latest toolchain build (950 KB), or, better, using this prebuilt console version (247 KB).
The toolchain build gives a 404, and the prebuilt console won't launch on my Windows, for some reason. It just exits immediately after launching.
Oops - wrong group.

Happy to announce we are back up and running and making 3rd party apps again (more are coming)
This one is originally written in REBOL by Maxim, and Celeste has picked it up and is making tweaks and improving it now.
We plan to move it to Mac next.   I plan to log what this takes.
Later, I hope to move this over to RED, and then compare again.
(yeah yeah, I'm old, and like programming names in all caps)

I've moved my backup of DocBase from an unrelated repo in my personal account to a dedicated repo within the Revault group. I've been tidying it on an as-I-notice-things basis as I use it for reference. Let me know if you have any trouble using it.

For those who don't know, Pieter Hintjens, of ZeroMQ and Xitami fame, passed away last Tuesday.

Sad, I read his "protocol to die" a few weeks ago.

Grand opening today:
A new community driven BLOG about all and everything about the Red Programming Language.

Restarted this world a earlier today. Some people had trouble logging in.

Developed our first "official" product at If you look closely at the USB Ultrasonic Array picture at , you may see a familiar name on the window title. :-)

AltJSON v0.3.9 for Rebol 2
- Support for /, : and , characters in JSON object keys,
- Improved Unicode/UTF-8 handling
- Support for surrogate pairs (allows for encoding/decoding of characters higher than the BMP, e.g. emoji)
Do let me know if there's any problems.

Major rewrite:
- Same script works with both R3 and Red
- Block format has changed from flat (e.g. [a 1 b 2]) to blocked ([[a 1][b 2]])
- Single context with functions that can be selectively exported to global context
- Functions simplified and non-core options split off (e.g. munge/list -> list, munge/save -> write-dsv)
- General speed and efficiency improvements
- Munge function supports 1st column binary search
- OLEDB [Windows only] functions (e.g. load-excel) work with both 64bit R3 and 32bit Red
- Some missing Red functions (e.g. delete, delete-dir) implemented via CALL [Windows only]
This is a preview release:
- to-rebol-date and to-string-date do not work fully with Red (as it currently lacks date! support)
- some functions have not yet been enhanced to work on non-Windows systems
- write-excel requires 7-Zip to be installed and will only work on Windows
- The now* function is available when run from Red and provides many [date related] options missing from now
- Basic documentation is available at

I have claimed the name R3N on github and set it up as an organisation. The purpose of this 'organisation' is to overcome the status quo on the rebol/rebol repository this community has been put in. In r3n the github repo of the REN-C repository has been cloned.
Graham Chiu and Giulio Lunati have been added as owners of the organisation.
Work on collecting R3 stuff has begun.
Making a start on

Documenting the Red development project:
This project is to help interested developers to quickly get on speed in the codebase.
All interested are invited to add to this project,so for example programmers with Linux background can help on the GTK3 branch.

Minor fixes:
- added /preserve refinement for load-dsv
- now support added for Red
- removed dependency on 7zip
- read-pdf now works on Mac / *nix
- write-excel now works on Mac / *nix

I started a place to collect Red scripts that the community members might like to share with others, a bit like it is
Together with it comes a place to collect valuable documentation for cooperating on the yet unexplored territories like 64 bit and GC. Also there is a fork to host cooperation of community members that want to work on these things without disturbing the official branch.
All comes with a own gitter chat room

Google gives new users on their cloud service USD300 credit which is enough to run a couple of VMs for a year.  Here's a short HOWTO on how to setup CGI on a Google Compute instance.  Any errors are my own and fixes/suggestions appreciated.

Last message posted 115 weeks ago.