AltME: Announce


This year we did a BIL in SF, Canada, Tunisia (it was AMAZING), and now............................... Paris!

I submitted the pull request that includes serial code for Win32 and POSIX.  This is originally based on Carl's posix serial code (from ReCode) and I have extended it to Windows.   There is still a little cleanup to do, but it should work if you need to use it!

For those who are serious about it, I have a prototype of  STONE DB which I have been given the green light to share to a few people.
This release is not open source yet, its a business thing, but I have been confirmed by the company partners that later this year we will be opening up the source.  on my one year old lenovo ideapad y580 (core i7)   I am averaging 250'000 item insertion and 250'000 links per second.
basically, the db is able to run a speeds which flood the iteration rate of REBOL.
PM me for a download link.

StoneDB now has a full DB index search.  so you can search for any value in the db accross ALL non-infinite datasets.
fun fact is that the index is implemented using the db itself, its just another dataset which I am using as I would any other. (linking things to the index).  so it doesn't require ANY  extra code in the db back-end.

The June 2014 issue of ODROID Magazine is available for download!  On page 6 is an article entitled "Programming Your ODROID-Show  - Using the Rebol programming language to improve the hardware interface" by yours truly.  It outlines a dialect I wrote to handle displaying information on the discrete display device called the ODROID-Show.
The ODROID-Show is a 2.2 inch display with 320x240 resolution and 64K colors controlled via USB through an Arduino microcontroller available through Hardkernel for $25.  As the ODROID-Show works on any computer with a USB port, the Rebol dialect can also be used on any computer to display to it.

Lest - HTML templating system - has been updated with structural logic (IF, EITHER, SWITCH, FOR). It's probably not Turing complete yet, but I guess it would be soon. Other improvements are for example /save refinenment for easier usage (write %file.html lest read %file.lest can be now replace with lest/save %file.lest) and numerous bugfixes.
great news maxim -> PM

I modified my Red bindings and codecs to work with the current Red development version, meaning an upgrade to Red 0.4.2 and beyond.
I'm experiencing regressions in the compiler and interpreter, though, so be careful

I put Try REBOL behind a new, more reliable proxy server:
This should improve its availability.
I've moved our Red and REBOL repositories to a new, more performant server.
I don't know if Fossil could be any faster than it already was on our server of fifteen years old, but at least preparing a package of my binary Red downloads will take less time now:

Fossil now has caching in its web server. I enabled it on the repository for the binary Red downloads, so a full package download will now usually start immediately instead of after two minutes:

Try REBOL now has a new, shorter URL:
The old location also still works.

I wrote a dialect for GPIO, specifically for the ODROID I/O Shield, that I am outlining in the August issue of ODROID Magazine.  It handles configuring pins as input, output or PWM (pulse-width modulated).  It could be easily modified to work with other GPIO systems, like the Raspberry Pi or other systems.  Here is an example of the dialect:
gpio [
    init out [p00 p07 p12] on       ;Initializes pins p00, p07 and p12 as outputs
    wait .1     ;Waits .1 second
    off     ;Turns off pins p00, p07 and p12
    init in p16     ;Initializes pin p16 as input
    init pwm 1 .1 p01       ;Initializes pin p01 as PWM with a 1 second period and a .1 second pulse
    p12 on      ;Turns pin p12 back on
    wait .5     ;Sleeps for .5 seconds
    p07 on      ;Turns pin p07 back on
    wait 1      ;Sleeps for 1 second
    off     ;Turns pin p07 back off
    deinit p01      ;Turns off pwm and deinitializes pin p01
    init gpio in p01        ;Reinitializes pin p01 as a GPIO input
    read speed p01      ;Reads the value of pin p01 into system/gpio/vars/speed
    reset       ;Deinitializes all GPIO and PWM pins
Other than loading the dialect, nothing else has to be done first.  The dialect takes care of making sure the GPIO system is active, and activates it if it isn't already.  The dialect was designed to decrease wordiness while being very easy to understand and follow.  One way it does this is by keeping track of the context and applying any ambiguous commands to the most recent subject.

I have pushed my changes to R3 with external C function access to github: on branch ffi

I published a few updates to my minimalist "shttpd" HTTP server implementation for Rebol 3. Most notably, a workaround was added to properly send reponses >32'000 bytes (thanks to Bo and Boleslav for prodding me about this).
The full list of changes:
    Add a few select MIME types
    Switch default MIME type to application/octet-stream
    Use last "."-separated path component as extension
    Trim indentation from the error template
    Send content-length header
    Manually send body data in 32'000 byte chunks
shttpd is available at:


Last message posted 115 weeks ago.