AltME: Announce


Since it's rather quiet here, I thought I'd post an announcement saying that I have a prototype of the next version of my camera software up and running on my camera hardware! Now, all processing is handled on the camera itself without the need for an external server, including the advanced motion detection. The camera can automatically transfer files for long term storage to one or more fileshare locations on the network. :-)

Oh, and almost all of the camera software is now running on R3 ARM and Red/System!  I've removed most of the software that was written in other languages, like bash, except where absolutely necessary. :-)
In addition, the camera can now serve MJPEG images while simultaneously recording 1920x1080 30fps video. This allows the camera to act like a legacy IP camera so it can be used with software like iSpy, but still have even higher quality recordings to go along with the lower quality ones that legacy IP camera software can capture.
I still have some optimizations to do, but it looks very promising.

Since we had a server crash before x-mas, we had to move all our infrastructure to different services etc. Anyway, that was the cause why some documents of didn't work. The R3-GUI stuff is now fixed. Since our code is now located at beanstalkapp, and we read the docs and images directly from SVN and create the output, please give it a bit of time for long documents (especially layouts take time).
The Saphir stuff is not yet done. That's next. Expect it to be fixed in the next 24 hours.
The Red document has been accepted on !!

Again, as it is a little quiet in the Announce group, I just finished rolling out my new camera software to the first three cameras at one of my clients with an 18 camera installation.
Of course, the updater is written in Rebol 3. :-)
Not only is all the software now running on the camera, but there are still free CPU cycles left on the camera processor.

Munge 1.0.4 released with following changes:
- Added clean-path to load-dsv and worksheet
- Added /where integer! support (i.e. RowID)
- Added lookup, index funcs
- Added /merge
The /merge refinement enables you to easily "join" 2 blocks, as in:
>> staff: ["Joe" 0 "Bob" 1 "Ben" 0]
>> type: [0 "Permanent" 1 "Contractor"]
>> munge/merge staff 2 type 2 [1 4] [2 1]
== ["Joe" "Permanent" "Bob" "Contractor" "Ben" "Permanent"]
Full documentation available at
We have published a complete sourcec-code reference for Saphir. You can browse it here:

The February 2014 issue of ODROID Magazine has an article on Rebol 3 running on Android, starting on Page 28, plus an edited version of the beginning of NickA's excellent LearnRebol tutorial.  Check it out here:

My cameras (Smoothcam) now serve H264 (via SMB) and MJPEG (via HTTP port 8080) simultaneously, and can also simultaneously serve individual JPEG stills through HTTP port 80. It can serve the H264 at one resolution and frame rate and the MJPEG stream and JPEGs at a different resolution and framerate. And I still have up to 35% of the CPU idle.
I just got word from HardKernel that the ODROID Magazine PDF for January 2014 has been downloaded ~8000 times. That's pretty good readership for a new magazine, I'd say. We're expecting a larger number than that for the February issue.  The March issue is due out in three weeks. :-)

We have published our REBOL 3 View builds for Linux and Windows at There is full Linux support for graphics and the clipboard as well as a number of bug fixes in the core interpreter.
This is the result of our collaboration with Saphirion since last summer. Our source code has also been pushed to the Saphirion repository to be tested and included in their own future releases.
Please note that we are preparing REBOL 3 for commercial use later this year, so we have removed all Alpha badging, cleaned up the splash screen and pointed the upgrade and demo functions to the Atronix website. The upgrade function is the best way to check for and download the latest Atronix release.
Please send comments and bug reports to

I am becoming confused, perhaps because I am not following developments closely enough.  How is this:  different from this:  and is there documentation available?  Thank you.

Announces here are now automatically cross-posted to the SO chat group via a RSS feed.  And all web-public groups are now being mirrored on ...

Munge 1.0.5
- Minor speed improvements
- Fixed minor merge bug
- Fixed /part make block! bug
- Removed string! as a data and save option
- Added /order
- Added sqlcmd /key
- Added datestamp func
- Documentation updated

I added the new stream! socket type to the Red 0MQ binding, for 0MQ 4:
This means Red now has a TCP binding.
Thanks to Josh for initiating this.
I upgraded Red on Try REBOL to the latest version, and included HELP, WHAT and SOURCE from Ingo Hohmann:
By request, I also updated R3 on Try REBOL:
I updated my binary downloads for Red:
I added HELP, WHAT and SOURCE from Ingo Hohmann to the interpreter consoles, in */Red/red-*
I upgraded the 0MQ Windows binaries from 3.2.3 to 4.0.3. 0MQ 4 supports raw TCP (stream) sockets and a comprehensive encryption security framework. The Red binding doesn't have explicit support for it yet, but can already use the basic security features.

I upgraded Fossil on our server to 1.28:
It has a new tree view mode for the files page. Some people seem to have a problem with the timeline being the default page for my repositories, so I changed the default page for all my repositories to the files tree, such as the above Red binaries and 0MQ binding repositories, and 18 others.
Since Red now has HELP and WHAT, I changed Try REBOL to execute the "Help" and "Available Words" buttons with Red instead of R3 (by default):

Last message posted 115 weeks ago.